Friday, August 18, 2006

SEZ limit in India to go beyond 150

Union Minister of Commerce and Industry, Kamal Nath told that the SEZ limit may go beyond the initial 150. Kamal Nath further added,
When the limit was set, we had decided to review the situation once we reached
the 150 mark. The SEZ Act does not put any limit to the number of SEZs that can
be set up across the country.
Their is a severe demand for SEZs in the country due to the tax exemption they get. Meanwhile the government is busy framing rules on the establishment of schools, malls, housing complex, hospitals and otehr establishments within the SEZ area. I would like to see atleast 50% of the area be strictly reserved for manufacturing and export oriented units.

Recall my earlier post that SEZ should be used to manufacture and compete at global levels because of the heavy incentives they are enjoying and SEZs should not be and never be treated as land banks and real estate activity in SEZs should be strictly banned.

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