Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Film makers come to rescue of Farmers in India

A documentary film has been made on the SEZ Land sharks and corrupt state governments that are adamant to push the SEZ reforms at the cost of farmers livelihood. The documentary made by a Pune-based producer shows how the farmers already weighed down by debts are being separated from their lands for setting up of special economic zones (SEZ).

The film was exhibited for a select audience in Pune . The film covers the issues of farmers suicides, their forced eviction from their lands and carries the views of Medha Patkar , Vandana Shiva, retired high court Judge P.B.Sawant and economist Sulakba Brahme

Justice Sawant says in the documentary that every attempt would be made to stop SEZs, including judicial remedies. According to him, agricultural land acquisition for SEZs has no valid provision in the SEZ Act. Sawant rubbishes special concessions for SEZs as unconstitutional. The documentary shows advocate Govind Pansare passionately arguing against the SEZ Act. He ridicules the description of SEZs in the Act as foreign islands within the country. He fears that SEZs could become powerful tools in the hands of developers to turn thousands of acres of land acquired for the purpose into real estate. He says developers are utilising only 35 percent of the land for setting up of export-oriented units and use the remaining for developing real estate, five-star hotels, casinos and bars.

The documentary producer promises more on SEZs in future as the momentum against them gathers.

He said neither district collectors nor the ministers concerned were willing to come forward to offer their views on the issue.

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