Thursday, April 12, 2007

Delhi Master Plan for Housing

The Master Plan for Delhi ( MPD ) 2021 proposed the development of housing through co-operatives and the private sector. Nearly 75,000 Dwelling Units per annum in different income categories would have to be developed in the Urban Extensions.

According to the Master Plan, about 40 percent of the housing need can potentially be satisfied through redevelopment and up-gradation of existing areas of Delhi and the remaining 60 percent can be met in new areas to be developed as urban extensions.

The MPD 2021 also proposes the involvement of private sector in land assembly and housing development in order to promote housing activities. The estimated population of Delhi would be in the range of 220 to 230 lakh in the year 2021, and an additional 24-lakh dwelling units (DUs) would be needed to meet the housing requirement. This includes 20 lakh DUs for additional population and backlog of about four lakh units comprising of one lakh net shortage and the rest for replacement of dilapidated and kutcha structures.

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