Thursday, July 15, 2010

FDI Regulations to be Relaxed for Greedy Developers

As per press reports, there is expectation that current regulations on FDI into the sector could be relaxed on two fronts (1) clarification that the three-year lock-in is applicable to only minimum capitalization (US$10 million for wholly owned subsidiaries and US$ 5 million for joint ventures with Indian partners) versus the current interpretation that the entire capital invested is locked in for that period and (2) reduction in minimum project area (for FDI investment) which, at present, is 10 hectares in the case of serviced housing plots or 50,000 meters in case of construction – development projects.

This means the Lazy Fat Developers who are ready to suck you will get more capital and won't sell the stock until you meet their unrealistic expectation. It is a pathetic situation that an organization like RBI is a puppet in the hands of the central government which will just keep quiet paving way for the Rich Developers to get Richer at the cost of Hard Working Indians Like You.

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